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TO: All Customers

From: Srejovic Accounting Services


Subject line: Srejovic Accounting-Response to COVID-19 Pandemic 


Based on the recent classification of the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, we wanted to take a moment to let you know what Srejovic Accounting Services is doing to ensure service stability and protect the health and safety of our employees and customers. Currently, Srejovic Accounting Services is operating at standard business levels and without impact to any business service or operation. 

In order to ensure safe conditions, Srejovic Accounting Services is following all guidelines and recommendations of local and national health agencies. This includes increased hygiene, sanitation, and availability of disinfectants, and monitoring public health information as it is made available.

Effective immediately, we will move to a reduced onsite hours schedule, with employees working from home offices whenever possible. This decision was a preventative measure to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, not due to any specific risk or known exposure. In addition, we have asked our associates to limit in-office customer meetings at this time.

For those customers that are interested, for many years now, we have an online secure data portal available to you to upload and store critical tax documentation.  With the Federal Tax Filing Date extended until July 15th, 2020, we are able to support you via virtual conferences.  If you wish to leverage this capability, please contact us and we will help with the enrollment process.

You can reach out to us should you have additional questions.

Thank you for your trust in our services during this unusual period.   

Normal Onsite Hours will be:

Monday through Friday – 10am to 3pm CST


(773) 545-6288


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